(-- F3 to save and exit --) Trade Shows Trade Shows are very important marketing functions. They're also often very expensive. Much can be done to make those dollars work harder for you. Just don't show up at a show and hand out brochures. There are things that should be done before, during, and after the show. We're not going to delve into all those things here. This section is simply here to help you realize that some major outpouring of resources will be necessary to handle a trade show correctly. All you need to do on this page is list the trade shows you plan on attending, and the dates of these shows. Crisis Planning You can count on a crisis happening. It could be your crisis, your competitor's crisis, or a crisis for everyone. For example, if you're in the environmental consulting business, you can almost count on a major oil spill happening somewhere in the near future. Your firm should be ready to immediately react to the new spill and be the first to tell the public media, (TV, newspapers, etc.) exactly what the problem is and what the possible solutions are. This could get you national headlines - if you're prepared for this þopportunity.þ If the bad news concerns your company, your marketing team needs to know what to say and what not to say. Then they need to start repairing the damage before you lose all your customers. The trick is to be prepared before it happens! List a few outside happenings that you could pre- package. 1. 2. 3. (-- F3 to save and exit --) ----------------------------